Welcome to my Studio, or I should probably say Studios, I’ve always seen my studios as magical places, my safe havens.

I thrive in my organized chaos of things being perfectly in the right place and using every part to be able to create the pieces of art I put out to the world.

I want to take you on a little journey of  how things are going, give you some inspiration & showcase some of my earlier stages…

The Bedroom Beginnings

I guess every creative journey starts somewhere, I rarely share mine but I started in my bedroom as probably quite a lot of designers and startups do.

If you sew you probably know the problem of sewing at home and having to keep the noise down at certain times. Despite having to sew around the quiet moments, I did manage to make the first few designs which started the base of what Roughcut was turning into.

The Garden Shed Grind

I realized I needed my own space, somewhere I could create in peace to whatever ungodly hour I needed to work until, to get the project I was working on done.

It was super cramped but it was enough to put my sewing machine in, I managed to make some really cool pieces out of this studio and utilized filming my stuff in different ways with different cameras… Making do with what I had.

My First Proper Studio

I got given an opportunity, by someone locally that found my instagram, they had some spare space above their shop in the local town of bournemouth. This is where Roughcut started the grow; I was in a shared space with a bunch of friends, but we were all learning and creating together.

Some of my best-known pieces were crafted here, I felt I was really carving and creating a style with the route I was trying to go down. Over the 2 years of being here I managed to find more recognition towards what I was doing & started to grow the brand enough to fully sustain myself off of doing what I loved to do.

My Second & More Homely Studio

This was a different chapter of my life, I ended up taking on the responsibility of owning a shop.

I moved my studio to the top floor, I wasn’t sharing it with anyone, I had it all to myself I filled it with all the things I wanted to and really DIY’d it out to be the theme and look I wanted it to be. Although that was all great I was dividing my focus between the shop below and actually making the garments.

I set the shop up downstairs to create passive income for me creating upstairs but it didn’t work quite how I expected… I ended up staffing the shop too much which took time and a big hit on designing.

The Current Stuu

Realizing I needed my creative freedom back I ended up passing what I built to a close friend to take over, the shops running perfectly still today. I ended up moving to my current studio with no distractions, Every part of this spacious room is starting to slowly reflect roughcut, which is essentially a reflection of my brain.

The goal is to slowly fill it with a mixture of all my art pieces, antiques and artifacts that I find along my journeys to keep me inspired. This studio truly feels like the first proper roughcut space, a space where I can just get away from the world and hermit into doing what I do best.

Where Next?

Well, This is a big question, I’ve always seen my studios as my safe spaces-each one a reflection of where I am in my creative journey. Whether I’m sewing, editing videos or researching for designs etc, my studios always surround me with inspiration and kinda reassures me that I’m on the right path.

In a way, I think of my studios like sets in a film/Sitcom; they’re always visually pleasing and filled with the things I love, creating an intriguing atmosphere for anyone who sees them on camera.

Whilst I love the place I am at, at the moment, I tend to move every year or so, I am not really sure where my next chapter will take me, I am really enjoying the current space & more so the work I am doing inside. I guess we’ll see. What I do know is that you’ll always be able to tell a Roughcut space…

I encourage everyone to go out and create their own space that reflects their passion, I hope this has given more insight into my workspaces & I am looking forward to seeing yours 

If you’re interested in owning something made in my current studio, checkout my Balaclavas